L’oreille tendue de… Yasunari Kawabata

Yasunari Kawabata, le Maître ou Le tournoi de Go, 1975, couverture

«Tandis qu’il jouait Blanc 130, le son d’une flûte dont jouait un habile musicien était parvenu jusqu’à nous, clamant dans une certaine mesure la tempête qui faisait rage sur le damier.

Le Maître avait tendu l’oreille; il sembla s’abandonner aux réminiscences.

Du sommet des collines, vois là-bas la vallée,

Les melons qui fleurissent tous en rangs alignés…»

Yasunari Kawabata, le Maître ou Le tournoi de Go. Roman, traduction de Sylvie Regnault-Gatier, Paris, Albin Michel, 1975, 213 p., p. 199.

L’art du portrait sportivo-allusif

Haruki Murakami, 1Q84, 2012, vol. 2, couverture

«Ten minutes later, his father’s doctor appeared, drying his hands with a towel. Flecks of white were beginning to appear among the stiff hairs of his head. He was probably around fifty. He was not wearing a white jacket, as if he had just completed some task. Instead he wore a gray sweatshirt, matching gray sweatpants, and an old pair of jogging shoes. He was well built and looked less like a doctor than a college sports coach who had never been able to rise past Division II

Haruki Murakami, 1Q84, traduction de Jay Rubin (vol. 1 et 2) et de Philip Gabriel (vol. 3), Anchor Canada, 2012, 3 vol., 1157 p., vol. 2, p. 720. Édition originale : 2009-2010.

Portrait préféerique du jour

 Haruki Murakami, 1Q84, 2012, vol. 3, couverture

«The next afternoon, a young woman visited his office. She was probably not yet twenty. She had on a short white dress that revealed the curves of her body, matching white high heels, and pearl earrings. Her earlobes were large for her small face. She was barely five feet tall. She wore her hair long and straight, and her eyes were big and bright. She looked like a fairy in training

Haruki Murakami, 1Q84, traduction de Jay Rubin (vol. 1 et 2) et de Philip Gabriel (vol. 3), Anchor Canada, 2012, 3 vol., 1157 p., vol. 3, p. 831. Édition originale : 2009-2010.