Accouplement 238

Patricia Highsmith, The Talented Mr. Ripley, éd. de 2008, couverture

(Accouplements : une rubriquel’Oreille tendue s’amuse à mettre en vis-à-vis deux œuvres, ou plus, d’horizons éloignés.)

Highsmith, Patricia, The Talented Mr. Ripley, New York et Londres, W.W. Norton & Company, 2008, 287 p. Édition originale : 1955.

«He described the second dinner at Mr. Greenleaf’s house, when Mr. Greenleaf had presented him with a wristwatch. He showed the wristwatch to Cleo, not a fabulously expensive wristwatch, but still an excellent one and just the style Tom might have chosen for himself—a plain white face with fine black Roman numerals in a simple gold setting with an alligator strap» (p. 30).

Chez l’Oreille tendue
