(Accouplements : une rubrique où l’Oreille tendue s’amuse à mettre en vis-à-vis deux œuvres, ou plus, d’horizons éloignés.)
Hunt, Lynn, «The Art of History. How Writing Leads to Thinking», Perspectives on History. The Newsmagazine of the American Historical Association, 1er février 2010.
«Most problems in writing come from the anxiety caused by the unconscious realization that what you write is you and has to be held out for others to see. You are naked and shivering out on that limb that seems likely to break off and bring you tumbling down into the ignominy of being accused of inadequate research, muddy unoriginal analysis, and clumsy writing. So you hide yourself behind jargon, opacity, circuitousness, the passive voice, and a seeming reluctance to get to the point. It is so much safer there in the foliage that blocks the reader’s comprehension, but in the end so unsatisfying. No one cares because they cannot figure out what you mean to say.»
Van Campenhoudt, Luc, «La communication orale. Partie intégrante du processus scientifique», dans Moritz Hunsmann et Sébastien Kapp (édit.), Devenir chercheur. Écrire une thèse en sciences sociales, Paris, Éditions de l’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, coll. «Cas de figure», 29, 2013, p. 217-228.
«La clarté et la cohérence rendent évidemment vulnérable à la critique car elles permettent aux interlocuteurs de saisir la signification des propos» (p. 225).
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