Le zeugme du dimanche matin et d’Horace Brown

Whispering City, éd. de 2023, couverture

«As he stood outside Michel Lacoste’s apartment, listening, the thought seemed to him thin and insubstantial. His breathing was even more rapid than he remembered it from those horrible moments a score of years ago, when his friend’s face had turned to him in surprised and pleading terror and then when the roar of the [Montmorency] Falls had blotted out all reason and the falling scream had seemed natural, part of the wild landscape and of the ordered scheme of things. His pulse raced beyond normal.»

Whispering City. A Study in Suspense, Montréal, Véhicule Press, A Ricochet Book, 2023, 161 p., p. 73. Adapted by Horace Brown from the Quebec Productions’ Film based on an original story by George Zuckerman and Michael Lennox. Introduction de Brian Busby. Édition originale : 1947.


(Une définition du zeugme ? Par .)

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