«From the Civil War to this present Time, I am apt to doubt whether the Corruptions in our Language have not at least equalled the Refinements of it… most of the Books we see now a-days, are full of those Manglings and Abbreviations. Instances of this Abuse are innumerable : What does Your Lordship think of the Words, Drudg’d, Disturb’d, Rebuk’t, Fledg’d, and a thousand others, every where to be met in Prose as well as Verse ?» (lettre de Jonathan Swift à Robert, Earl of Oxford, 1725).
Source : David Shariatmadari, «Why It’s Time to Stop Worrying About the Decline of the English Language», The Guardian, 15 août 2019.
Pour en savoir plus sur cette question :
Melançon, Benoît, Le niveau baisse ! (et autres idées reçues sur la langue), Montréal, Del Busso éditeur, 2015, 118 p. Ill.
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